Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rapper running for Alderman?

One of the candidates running for alderman of the 20th ward in Chicago, Il. is a rapper by the name of Che “Rhymefest” Smith who is running against a former cop named Ald. Willie Cochran. 'Rythmfest' is publicizing himself through the media and as rapper and is trying to get his publicity by the fact that he won a Grammy for writing Kanye West song Jesus's Walk's and that is a great reason to vote for him. He is portraying himself as a celebrity. Celebrities and politicians are on different calibers. 
In this article it talks about- how being a celebrity is not the credentials that are necessary in politics. Media and how you present yourself are so important for candidates but fame through entertainment is not the type of media that should be portrayed positively in an ideal politician. 
As it says in this article:
"The candidate called for more attention on the lack of jobs and other ills facing the hardscrabble ward, all while his Grammy Award was displayed on a nearby table.
Cochran, meanwhile, said Smith's celebrity has allowed the challenger to avoid tough questions about his ability to govern.
"Of course, he's a great performer onstage, but that doesn't translate into public policy," he said.

He has high ratings in the polls and is very charistmatic but has no history at all in politics and only has a Grammy on his credentials- is this what media is portyaing as important attributes you want in a politician? 
I think society needs to reevaluate.

Traditional Media or New Media?

In class we discussed how the presidential candidates are using new media for their campaigns but, the additional importance of also still incorporating traditional media as well. In this article it says, ...should a candidate prefer to be mentioned more often in the blogosphere or in the traditional media?

This article focuses on the use of media both traditional and new and specifically what Republicans are using for todays campaigns. It was mentioned in class and I want to echo that I think that since Republicans are all about values there needs to be a focus on reaching out to the youth and this is done through new media such as blogosphere, twitter etc...
This article also speaks about at this point in the election campaigning which of the candidates are known and doing well in the polls- and is it reflective in their popularity in either traditional media or news media? There is a constant debate if it is better to be well-known through traditional media or the blogosphere. 
Side point from the debate of traditional media over new media...I think it is also important for candidates not only to use new media but to think about what they are it makes a difference on how you get your name and reputation depending on if you are writing your daily activities on twitter versus an op-ed article you can get from google- it is just important to be aware. 
At the end of the article is mentions since it is just the beginning of campaigning etc.. traditional tends to provide more recognition. I think that the blogosphere is more important once you know who is running and what they value. But before you reach that point it is important to get your name out and there- recognition is so important, so even though there is hype about new media being used- traditional media still has its place in politics. 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A response to the Fogel Massacre

This is a great article in response to the Fogel Massacre.

Japan Crisis Rises

The current situation in Japan is frightening- and not just for the Japanese citizens but for the world. The radiation levels rising constantly from the nuclear plants that have erupted leave the world in now in question about what will happen. There is no telling on the possible danger that this can cause. 

 "Let me say the possibility that the development of this accident into one like Chernobyl is very unlikely," Yukiya Amano told a news conference at IAEA headquarters in Vienna.

A quote from this article leaves the world in question about this being a possible wake-up call for our leaders as to the use of nuclear energy during this huge fossil fuel the safer way to go?
This is a big controversial issue pertaining to the world- no one wants another blow like Chernobyl or even worse... since we do not know the possibility of the threat this could become, it is time for our leaders to question if our use of nuclear energy is life threatening an needs to be altered. 
There are many interesting comments are also given at the bottom of the article as to what the world should possibly do.

Friday, March 11, 2011

What the Obama Administration thinks is a good idea...

In this blog by Barry Rubin who is the Director of the Global Research in International Affairs is stating how off base the Obama administration is for making a bond with the Muslim Brotherhood. He states "Get it? Al-Qaeda is bad because it wants to attack U.S. embassies, the World Trade Center, and the Pentagon.

BUT the Muslim Brotherhood is good! Because it merely wants to seize state power, transform Egypt into an Islamist state, rule almost 90 million people with an iron hand, back Hamas in trying to destroy Israel, overthrow the Palestinian Authority, help Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood overthrow the monarchy, and sponsor terrorism against Americans in the Middle East."

Rubin is warning people that just because the Muslim Brotherhood hasn't proven their hatred through a terrorist attack like 9/11 doesn't mean we should just trust them. The fact that Obama is welcoming the muslim brotherhood is equally as bad as Al-Qaeda. He even states further that Obama might think this is a good idea but the state department is probably horrified.

Why wait until they actually prove they are bad until we realize that they are just as bad as Al-Qaeda? Who wants to turn around in a couple years and realize that this relationship is detrimental to both Israel and the U.S?

Saturday, March 5, 2011

The 'Jasmine Revolution'

The Internet has become the new way to communicate- and the new way to actively start protests and advocate for a cause.
China is taking after Egypt and Tunisia. In this article China has started a 'jasmine revolution' and have done so by spreading it through the internet- however the government is not happy with this and are banning certain searches on the internet and are taking a stance. They are way too power hungry and are using their 'power' in a similar way to Egypt- which was clearly not successful. This is a recount from npr about what China is doing in response to the attempted 'jasmine revolution'.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What's really happening in Wisconsin?

I stumbled upon this transcript of Rachel Maddow's take on the situation in Wisconsin. it is really long- so feel free to read as much as you want. After reading this transcript- I then wanted to read the other side- as her side is very opinoiated with the liberal democratic view that Wiconsin is steady financially and that this union budget cut is not a fiscal issue but a political one. She thinks that the Republican governor is just trying to probe his way into seeing which way the elections are going to sway.

On the contrary- This article states the other sides opinion. This is an article from the Wall Street Journal that I scanned it in. It narrows in on discussing specifically what teachers in Wisconsin are getting financially and all their extra benefits and it breaks it down so that the budget cut doesn't seem so far fetched.

I found this situation in Wisconsin a perfect example of the necessity of both sides to the story.
I think that it should be frowned upon that throughout this whole situation whether you are pro or against the cut- the teachers are boycotting and protesting and in that not educating which is ridiculous. They are not going to get there way and pushing education out of the way is not the answer.