Thursday, February 24, 2011

Thumbs up or Down for the Media during Watergate?

In our readings for class I was enthralled by Nixon and his relationship with the press. I wanted to know more about what the media's role  during this time. I found this article from 2005, and it is talking about "Deep Throat" coming out and admitting he was the one who leaked he information. It is interested to note that there is a constant friction as to if the people feel the media is playing a key role in politics or not. Nixon felt that the media was out to get him- even though taking a step back the media was on his side a lot of the time. He used the media in new ways that paved the way for others. Even though people argue that the media either aren't doing what they are supposed to or people view the way they are telling the news negatively, they are getting the job done. 

"As much as Watergate is a model of the journalism that we admire, you can also see in it the origins of the distrust we have today." This is a quote from this article, that gave me more of a perspective as to the conflict of the role of the media during the Watergate scandal. 

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