Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tornadoes and Politics

This is a clip from the O'Reilly show- it starts off talking about the horrible damage and situation with the tornadoes and how the the government have to help but doesn't have the money to help.
He then slants this issue  from the government's  need to help them/have no money and digresses to the massive amounts of money we need to borrow daily to help repair these damages and turns it into a situation about the elections and how Obama isn't dealing with this well.
Coming off of our media bias project- this is direct media bias.
It is interesting that as elections are coming closer- people are linking anything they can to politics.

1 comment:

  1. I think that can go both ways. With the upcoming elections and Obama's announcement for running in 2012, both sides are going to attempt to gear anything for/against the Obama 2012 campaign. In the tornado case it was against Obama and with catching Osama it was for Obama.

    Now more than ever, everything matters. Isn't that always how it is before elections?
